Music for dance by Milka Djordjevich
Review by Siobhan Burke in Art Forum
May 16-26 2018, Chocolate Factory Theater, NYC
Oct 11-14 2017, Los Angeles Performance Practice
New album from Crystal Mooncone on Innova Recordings.
February 23-24 2018, New York City Electroacoustic Improvisation Summit. Duo with Lyn Goeringer.
w/ Eleanor Bauer & ICTUS
December 6 2017, Kaaitheater (Brussels, BE) reprise
May 11-12 2016, Rencontres Choréographiqes at Montreuil (Paris, FR)
May 27-28 2016, KUNSTENFESTIVALDESARTS, Kaaitheater (Brussels, BE)
September 8-11 2016, Rurhtriennale at PACT Zollverein (Essen, DE)
Reviews: TLC, ma culture
Review (The Brooklyn Rail, Cassie Peterson)
The Kitchen, NYC. April 2015.
Showbox LA, June 2015.
More performances coming soon, TBA!
9-10 December, 2014, 8:30pm. Kaaitheater, Brussels, BE.
Full Performance available via Vimeo (password:#victoria)
Excerpts from evening-length performance, The Kitchen, NYC, 2015
Electro-acoustic improvisation with Stephen Rush (piano, Fender Rhodes, Micromoog, toys, Carnatic vocals), Chris Peck (flute, lapotp, microphone, harmonica, melodica, guitar), and Jon Moniaci (accordion, laptop).
New album on Innova Recordings.
Previous albums available via the age of crystal mooncone web-central.
Music and sound design for Wolf, a large site-specific performance by Deke Weaver. Premiere at the Allerton Music Barn in central Illinois, September 2013. Additional performances of solo version by Weaver in various locations around California, Oregon, and Washington, Spring 2014.
This is how the biologists sing the wolves to sleep:
Chris Peck is a composer, computer musician, and improviser who often collaborates with contemporary dance and theater. His career in the performance world has included collaborations with artists such as Beth Gill, John Jasperse, RoseAnne Spradlin, David Dorfman, Abby Yager, Ming Yang/Dance Forum Taipei, and Jeanine Durning; performances at venues such as The Kitchen and the Whitney Museum, and festivals such RoseLee Goldberg’s Performa biennials and the Venice Biennale; and numerous reviews in publications such as The New York Times and The Village Voice.
Peck collaborated with Deke Weaver and Jennifer Allen on Land of Plenty in 2008-2010, and made music for two installments of Weaver's Unreliable Bestiary: Elephant in 2010-11 (performing in the premiere at the Stock Pavilion in Urbana as well as subsequent iterations at the Sundance Film Festival and Salt Lake Arts Center) and Wolf in 2013. Recent projects include co-creations of music-dance works with LA-based choreographer Milka Djordjevich (MASS at The Kitchen, NYC in 2015) and Brussels-based choreographer Eleanor Bauer (MEYOUCYCLE at Kunstenfestivaldesarts in 2016). Peck also performs as an improviser with Jon Moniaci and Stephen Rush under the name Crystal Mooncone. The trio recently completed its fifth album, using material recorded in concert at Stanford’s Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA). The album, Listening Beam Five, is now available from Innova Recordings.
Peck has also presented at academic conferences including the Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States, The International Computer Music Association, and The National Dance Education Organization. He holds an MA from the Electro-Acoustic Music program at Dartmouth College and a Ph.D. in Composition and Computer Technologies from the University of Virginia. From 2015 to 2017, Peck taught music courses in the Global Arts Studies Program at the University of California, Merced, directed an Experimental Inter-Arts Ensemble, and developed web-based software tools for music theory and ear training.
Peck is now based in Berlin, where he works with the Learning Team at Ableton. He is also working on a new music-theater piece with Eleanor Bauer, NEW JOY, set to premiere at Schauspielhaus Bochum in February 2019.
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